ServePHP is the SaaS application for creating, provisioning and managing server and Website/Applications. It helps in performing many important tasks like Attaching Domains, Applications, Cron Jobs, Firewall Rules, Auto Deployments and lot more without writing single line in Terminal, these tasks are just a click away using simple interface.
Many Advance features like Auto Deployments using Git Push requests, these deployment can be configured conditionally to avoid unnecessary commands executions.
ServePHP will provision your server with required software like Nginx, PHP, MySQL.
Using a ServePHP interface you can create a site, can connect git repository from service like Bitbucket.
You can also configure deployment scripts, which can be executed conditionally based on git push.
You can perform many operations on server like Restarting Server, PHP, MySQL as well as adding Firewall Rules, Cron Jobs and Many more
You can also edit PHP configuration file using an interface and can manage files manually which may be ignored in a git system like .env file.
ServePHP have Auto deployment feature for git repository which triggers the deployment process when user pushes a code to repository services like Bitbucket. While there is default deployment script which generally pull the repository content, you can add your own Bash script logic & commands to the script like composer, gulp tasks executions etc.
You can also create many scripts to execute default or conditionally based on the message contained in your git commit, like if you have created a script having a condition if message having the word “#composer” in a repository commit message then execute the “composer update” command unless it won’t required.
Once you create an Account at ServePHP as per your subscription plan you can create & manage your server, sites etc.
You can create a server by adding provider connections like DigitalOcean or can provision custom VPS or Can connect your existing Ubuntu 18.04 server having Nginx, PHP & MySQL installed so you can further manage it from ServePHP interface.
So, such all features are described step by step under following separate articles.
Also to view all features in details visit at servephp.com