Recurring PayPage
Technical Guide
Technical Guide
Server Requirements
Server Requirements as given below.
PHP >= 5.6
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Curl PHP Extension
Frameworks & Library Uses
To make this awesome product below are the libraries used:
- wixel/gump - ~1.11.0,
- stripe/stripe-php – 7.37.1,
- razorpay/razorpay - ~2.5.0
File Structure
While development we follow some of our rules to organize the code.
All the component code is placed under the folder called livelyworks under the app folder. This folder contains folders:
- livelyworks - This folder contains only one folder.
- app - this folder contains following folders.
- Component - This folder contains all responses file of payment gateway.
- Modules - All payment gateway related service files are placed here.
- Support - It contain helper file.
- example - All payment related views, config action, response files are placed here. You can make changes here as per your requirement. This folder contains following folder.
- assets - asset folder contains following folder
- css - this folder contains css file for this app.
- js - this folder contains js file for this app.
- imgs - payment gateways images placed here.
- vendor - all folder downloaded by composer.json file are placed here.
There is also one folder called example this folder contains all files related to the subscription like, create subscription, update subscription, cancel subscription, customer card update, success, failed and pending page. Its contain index.php file where you can find example of Stripe and Razorpay payment gateway