WhatsJet SaaS

Technical Guide

Technical Guide

Server Requirements

Server requirements as given below:

• PHP >= 8.1.0

• OpenSSL PHP Extension

• PDO PHP Extension

• Mbstring PHP Extension

• Tokenizer PHP Extension

• XML PHP Extension

• Ctype PHP Extension

• JSON PHP Extension

• BCMath PHP Extension

• Fileinfo PHP Extension

• GD Library (>=2.0)

• Curl

• MySQL 5.7 +


File Structure

While development we follow some of our rules to organize the code. For this we have made some changes to the Laravel framework files as follows:



By default, Laravel placed all its controllers under Http/Controllers folder, our component controllers are placed App/Yantrana/Components/ in their respective component.


File Structure

All the component code is placed under the folder called Yantrana under the app folder. This folder contains other folders as follows:

• __Laraware – a folder contains a core file for the various classes which mostly extends Laravel classes & helper, which are restricted to change while development.

• Base – is also contains the base files for various classes which mostly extended using __Laraware classes.

• Support – contains various & common helpers & classes.

• Services – contains various & common required service classes.

• Components – This is main folder which contains all the business logic in to its own modules as follows:

       o Component Folder

          Each component has its own folder structure as follows:

Models – Contains all the model files.

• Controllers – contains all the controller files.

• Repositories – contains all the repositories which treated as data-layer.

• Requests – contains the request files mostly for forms.

• Blueprints – contains the interface files for required classes.

• Engine.php – Its treated as most important file for the component

Each component can have multiple sub components


public/dist Folder

This folder contains all the frontend related files like JS, CSS etc. In the CSS & JS folder you will find files named like: application.js, vendor-manage.css etc. For the application 2 types of files are there one is minified (.min) & other one is normal nonminified files (.src). By default, application uses .min files & called in to below named views which are placed under resources/views using __yesset helper functions, which dynamically finds the files on given file named & path contains *.



This folder stores all the uploaded media of the files like images etc. if not other storage options configured. For the most other things you can consider Laravel PHP Framework documents at below link: https://laravel.com/docs/10.x





How I can change homepage?


You need to edit outer-home.blade.php file under resources/views folder. --------------------------------------------------------


I am using shared hosting and want to target public folder without public keyword in address bar?


You need create .htaccess file with following code and place it into base folder (parent of public folder)

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ public/$1 [L]





For some action system uses email by default it uses php mail function as driver you can change it using .env file for more info see https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/mail

System uses resources/views/emails/index.blade.php as main view you can manage header & footer from here. Also, all the email view files are stored in resource/views/email folder.


Please Note


Here is some information you should aware of.

1. If you set APP_DEBUG=true in the .env file. the system also logs lot of information in to the Browser’s Console panel for debugging, so please keep it false for the production uses.

2. When the APP_DEBUG=false in the .env file. the page’s markup automatically minified

3. Admin Email is sent in English Only.

4. For the added protection sensitive information like username, passwords are sent encrypted to the server using OpenSSL, when form gets submitted When form has datasecured=true the form inputs get encrypted client side and gets decrypted server side.


Thank You


This information would help you to customize understand application better

Once again thank you so much for purchasing this product. I would be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this product. No guarantees, but I will do my best to assist.

We are small team of Mobile and Web Designer & Developers, here are some of the Great tools and technologies we use day2day for the development: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, PHP, Laravel, Flutter etc.

We also build iOS & Android Application. If you need any Customization Work / Support on this Product or having any project for us.

Please feel free to email us at [email protected]